Wow! Did 2024 fly by in a dizzying haze or what? I don't know what it is about these days, but they are like one exhalation and it's over.
I had a conversation with someone a few months back about how summer days seemed to last forever. During school break, we started out early in the morning, after breakfast cereal and cartoons, and we'd be out playing until the street lights came on. One day back then felt like a month.
Today, as I said, it's gone in the blink of an eye. Have the days gotten any shorter? For sure, they have not. Still the same 24 hours we've always had. Is it because we are so busy and our days are so filled with work, activities and To-Do lists, that time is eaten up before we even come close to finishing the tasks? More likely.
Who have you spoken to lately that doesn't lament that they are stressed or exhausted or overwhelmed with life? The social conversations are all about mental health / wellness and managing our stress, establishing boundaries, etc. And the news reports are clearly showing that the mentality of humans is in swift decline. The crimes people commit are just beyond horrific and unthinkable from a logical, human standpoint. Crimes against children, against parents, against the aging, in the schools, in the shopping centers, on the playgrounds, in traffic and on and on... So there is less safety in the streets and at home. Where can we run? What can we do?
I spoke on the Nextdoor app recently about the conversations I had with some neighbors on January 1st. I said it was so refreshing to speak to people and just chat, share a laugh and some thoughtful words of hope, encouragement and uplifting with one another. It happened early in the morning on Wednesday and stayed on my mind straight into the night. Isn't that something? Both positive and sad. Because why should a simple conversation with people in the neighborhood have such a strong impact that overtook my thoughts all day? Is it becoming that rare to find kind people? Quite frankly, yes.
I see a particular lady in the neighborhood all the time as I take my kids to and from school and activities. I smile, wave and beep the horn at her. She stares like I'm some weirdo. Like, 'how dare you greet me? I don't know you.' So friendliness is the anomaly?
Are these quickly becoming bad words: neighborliness, kindness, generosity, helpfulness, positivity? I really hope not! I hope and pray that these words still mean something to people - to the majority. I am built on love and kindness and positivity. These are not just trending words to me. Mindfulness is not a catch phrase but it's an admonition to pay attention to how you do things, how you interact with others, how you care for your own health and what impact you make on people or the footprint you leave behind. Being mindful, kind, positive means to show that you care about something, especially when it involves others.
I don't know what this year will bring. But I do know what I will put into it: the same things I have always wanted for myself is what I will continue to endeavor to give to others. A kind wave, a warm hug, a friendly smile, a generous hand of support and every ounce of my strength and energy to leave this world a better place than when I arrived. I feel like this is the best I can do with my life. And even if I falter from time to time, I promise to keep at it. Because I love people, despite everything this world shows me in opposition to that. I know for a certainty and truly believe that in the end, all having been said, tried and done, true love will win.